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23 April 2020



South Africa



Mining Services




Sector: Mining Services

Type: Ultra-fine Mineral Recovery Corporation Proprietary Limited

Established: 2013

Innovation: The technology processes current arising and/or historic tailings sustainably and allows recovery of valuable oxide mineral particles finer than 110 microns – a valuable innovation to the industry

Status: Innovative new tech company that promotes efficiencies and decreases the waste footprint in the extractive sector  

Co-investors: Acrux Resources, DRA Global and Kupferberg

Why we invested

  • The technology will revolutionise the extractive sector and boost resource owners’ ESG scorecards in multiple ways:
    • Efficient mineral resource extraction and mine sustainability optimisation
    • Removal of oxide minerals from tailings dams
    • Positive impact on groundwater quality over time
    • Reduction in tailings dam footprint due to reduced final deposit mass
    • No chemical usage
    • Upcycling of soil derived from the InverSepTM plant tailings for agriculture
    • Improved tailings disposal allowing for improved mine rehabilitation
    • Reduced energy use due to improved operational efficiencies (overall reduction in carbon footprint)
    • Employment opportunities for local communities
    • Increased economic stability throughout the commodity cycle translating into employment security
  • Extensive market opportunities to implement the technology – chrome, tin & other minerals

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Ata Capital (Pty) Ltd (Registration Number 2006/028451/07) is an authorised Category I and II Financial Services Provider (“FSP”) in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 37 of 2002 (“FAIS Act”) with FSP number 46869. The information and/or opinions contained herein should not be construed as advice as defined in the FAIS Act; neither do they constitute a solicitation, invitation or investment recommendation. Investors should take cognisance of the fact that there are risks involved when buying, selling or investing in any financial product. The value of investments may fall as well as rise, and investors may not recover the capital invested.

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